It's a great protein source and contains all nine essential amino acids that your body can't make on it's own. The plant estrogen in tofu called phytoestrogen is protective and healthy for our bodies and does not act like human estrogen. People who eat tofu and other soy products have lower cholesterol, better bone health, lower cancer risk, and improved cognitive scores.
Just half a cup of firm tofu offers 21.8 grams of protein with 181 calories and 11 grams of fat, most of which is the healthy kind like omega 3 & 6 fat. Our body can't make these essential fatty acids so we must get them from food. Omega 3 & 6 are needed to promote good brain function and cell growth, and are also good for our heart in several ways.
The great thing about tofu is that it's versatile and easily adapts to textures and flavours.
Get your daily dose of tofu here >> www.plantchef.online